3021-03-31 - New Jersey - Online - The Skirt and Stocking Clad Soldier: A Virtual Talk by Historian Mary Rasa

The Skirt and Stocking Clad Soldier: A Virtual Talk by Historian Mary Rasa

Contact: Reference Staff    mcl@monmouthcountylib.org
Celebrate Women's History Month with Historian Mary Rasa

National Parks Service Historian Mary Rosa will present The Skirt and Stocking Clad Soldier on Wednesday, March 31 at & 7 p.m.

This program will discuss the first women to join the military during World War II, their civilian defense worker counterparts, as well as Women's Army Corps members from Fort Hancock and Monmouth. These women worked in motor pools, staffed offices, nursed the injured, lived in barracks, ate in mess halls, went to war zones, and died for their country. 

Mary Rasa is a historian who worked as a museum curator and park ranger for the National Park Service for 16 years. She holds a BA in Historic Preservation and a Masters in Library Science. She has conducted over one thousand programs for audiences, from school children to academic and professional conferences, seniors groups and historical societies.

This session will be conducted on Zoom and is free of charge. Registration and internet access is required to attend. Register below to receive emailed information on how to access the programs. Registration closes on the day prior to the program (3/30/21) and the link will be emailed the same day before 4pm.

All Library programs and concerts are protected by copyright law; recording in any manner, unless with the written permission of the presenter, is strictly prohibited.

Location: ONLINE