2021-01-29 - Union County - Union - Friday night with Hamilton! @ Liberty Hall


Friday, January 29 -- Union County
Friday night with Hamilton!  
Don’t throw away your – Shot! Join us as we go Hamilton-crazy! Kids and teenagers will enjoy a night out filled with all things Alexander Hamilton: what his life was like, colonial crafts & tavern games and maybe even an epic showdown like in the song “Cabinet Battle #1”. The evening will also include Hamilton music for everyone to sing to and light refreshments. Recommended for ages 11 - 15.
Program Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Program Fee: $25.00 per teen (drop off event - please be here at 8:30 p.m. for pick up)

Reservations required by January 22; to purchase tickets visit our website or call 908-527-0400.