2021-01-28 - New Jersey - Online - North Jersey Civil War Round Table THE FALL OF RICHMOND – April 2, 1865

Thursday, January 28 - Virtual

7:14 p.m.   North Jersey Civil War Round Table meeting.
 ZOOM Meeting – Please submit your request for meeting link to NJCivilWarRT@aol.com

North Jersey Civil War Round Table
April 2, 1865
Presented by Robert M. Dunkerly

 One of the momentous events of the war has hardly been studied in detail by historians: the fall of Richmond. On the night of April 2,1865, the Confederates evacuated the city, and the next morning Union forces occupied it. There have been numerous controversies about destruction in the city, which Union troops were the first to enter, and the specific order of events. Many of these have been debated by veterans and contemporaries, yet there have been few modern studies of these events. This talk will explore the final day of Richmond as the Confederacy's capital, and the Union army's occupation of the city. 

 Robert M. Dunkerly is a historian, award-winning author, and speaker who is actively involved in historic preservation and research.  He holds a degree in History from St. Vincent College and a Masters in Historic Preservation from Middle Tennessee State University.  He has worked at nine historic sites, written eleven books and over twenty articles.  His research includes archaeology, colonial life, military history, and historic commemoration.  He is a co-author of No Turning Back, a Guide to the Overland Campaign.  Dunkerly is currently a Park Ranger at Richmond National Battlefield Park, which includes Cold Harbor. He has visited over 500 battlefields and over 1,000 historic sites worldwide.